Tetractys Partners


Good governance is critical for charities. Governance failings can lead to brand damage and loss of donor goodwill, not to mention the personal consequences for the trustees themselves. The added difficulty for charities is that often Board members are volunteers, not necessarily close to the running of the charity and who only come together for committee meetings.

A well-chaired, diverse and balanced Board of Trustees will give a charity vigour and clarity and unanimity of purpose. In contrast, poorly balanced Boards fail to draw on the talents of their Trustees and fail to prey to politicisation and in-fighting, or complacent apathy, which fails the charity, its staff and its intended beneficiaries.

We offer charities the benefit of our governance experience drawn from highly regulated and tightly governed sectors at rates that reflect charities’ needs to balance effectiveness and cost.

We offer:

  • Board effectiveness reviews
  • Governance structure reviews
  • Management information reviews
  • Facilitation of full strategic reviews of the business
These are led by our Managing Partner, Gary Pitts, who has extensive governance experience in the corporate world and is an active charity trustee with an acute awareness of the constraints and difficulties Trustee Boards face.
We can structure these into fixed-fee packages that are affordable and that will help charities understand how they can improve their governance and draw on the full spectrum of experiences in the Trustee Board, without the worry of ever-increasing time-based fees.
This work can increase the creativity and effectiveness of the Board, which in turn can reinvigorate the purpose and effectiveness of the charity, helping its staff to deliver the charity’s objectives more effectively.